RK J Adams, flapjacks and a murder in the highlands

One day, from the comfort of her home in Central Scotland, a Yorkshire author who loves to write, chat, and bake joined an online writing group. No guessing who that author is!

Very quickly, my not-so-secret love of chocolate caught the eye of another author, a retired headteacher from the West Midlands, now living in Sutherland chasing the aurora borealis, writing and eating chocolate.

What a great combination for an episode of Beyond The Tearoom, I thought and invited Ruth, asking her which recipe from The Magical Tearoom on the Hill she would like to bake.

"Flapjacks, please. Mine always fall apart," Ruth answered.

My personal shopper, AKA Mr M, tootled down to the shops to get the missing ingredient, Cadbury's Dairy Milk. After all, everyone wants to dunk their flapjacks in chocolate, don't they?

Except for a chocolate loving author from Sutherland!

"Oh, no. I don't want to dunk mine in chocolate, but can we add some sultanas?" she pleaded.

And that's how two authors got together to create another episode of Beyond The Tearoom.

What fun we had. We discussed our author journeys and Ruth gave us a little insight into the book she is currently writing, 'She Who Was'. Yes, it involves a murder.

Ruth's journey back up to Sutherland did, of course, involve some of her deliciously baked flapjacks, although my picture shows chocolate-dipped flapjacks from my book, just so you get the idea of how I like mine, but you see Ruth's version we made in the video.

Watch the videos here:

Part 1 - Chat, laughs and baking flapjacks 

Part 2 - More chat and laughter as we munch on our flapjacks 


If you would like to know more about Ruth, her books and photography, why not visit her website: RKJ Adams Author


Of course, you can make your own flapjacks, as this is one of the many recipes in my book, The Magical Tearoom on the Hill.

Front cover of a book with a lady, cakes and a dog

As always, I hope you enjoy this latest blog and please leave us a comment.

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